az summer
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Ideal Thermostat Temperature for Extreme Heat

During the hot Arizona summer, you may find yourself adjusting your thermostat several times to find the most comfortable temperature. But what is the ideal thermostat temperature for extreme heat in the Valley? Get to know the ideal temperature for your AC Unit. Need emergency AC repairs, contact us today!

thermostat temperature

However, at this time of year, residents typically set their thermostats between 75 and 80 degrees for cooling in Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Tucson, and surrounding areas. For heating, the preferred range is 68 to 72 degrees. If your thermostat is too low, your air conditioning system will work excessively in extreme Arizona heat, straining to maintain that temperature. This constant running can result in early breakdowns or a reduced lifespan for your HVAC system.

Furthermore, during the summer, crank up your thermostat to the most comfortable setting. In the winter, set it to the lowest comfortable setting. This way, you’ll stay comfortable and extend your system’s life.

arizona summer

Avoid Setting Your Thermostat Temperature Below 70 Degrees

Extreme heat in the Arizona summer makes it tempting to lower your thermostat. Many people set their indoor settings as low as they comfortably can. However, this puts extra strain on your air conditioner and wastes unnecessary energy. As temperatures rise in the Phoenix Valley, it’s common for people to lower their thermostat settings as low as they comfortably can. However, this puts additional strain on your air conditioner and results in unnecessary energy consumption.

AC Unit

Raise Your Thermostat Instead

During the Arizona summer months, the air conditioner must cool down the home effectively. However, setting the thermostat too low can put excessive pressure on the AC unit, which may cause it to break down and incur expensive repair bills.

Temperature Differential

An AC Unit can reduce the temperature inside your home by up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. This difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures is called the temperature differential. If you set the thermostat to more than 20 degrees lower than the outside temperature, the air conditioner will not be able to reach that setting, even though it will try to do so. Your thermostat should be set within the acceptable temperature differential range to prevent continuous running, which can lead to significant energy waste, increased wear on the system, overheating, and potential shutdown of the unit.

extreme heat

The Perfect Thermostat Temperature (In Our Opinion)

Most individuals find the thermostat temperature setting of 70°F comfortable, even when the outdoors reaches extreme heat levels. This level is considered optimal and reduces the risk of coils freezing in the air conditioner. If the coils in the air conditioning unit freeze, the unit will not function effectively, requiring repairs to the system.

emergency ac repairs

We’re Here To Help!

If you find yourself needing emergency AC repairs, give us a call or click here. We’re available 24 hours a day 7 days a week!

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