Should I Repair or Replace My AC Unit?
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Should I Repair or Replace My AC Unit?

Has your AC unit been experiencing frequent breakdowns, and requiring several AC Repairs over the past year? Are you contemplating whether it’s time to consider an AC unit replacement? Determining whether to repair or replace your AC unit can be a tough decision. One reliable method is to consider its age. Typically, if your unit…

Air Ventilation and Open Windows – Professional HVAC Input
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Air Ventilation and Open Windows – Professional HVAC Input

Opening windows while the air conditioner is running may seem like a good idea to cool the room faster or air ventilation, may seem like a good idea until you need an HVAC Repair. This practice can lead to inefficiency and higher energy costs. Here’s why it’s best to keep your windows closed when your…

Tips to lower energy bill in the Arizona heat
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Tips to lower energy bill in the Arizona heat

Lower Energy Bill in Arizona Are you frustrated by the high cost of your summer electricity bill? Are you seeking practical solutions to lower your expenses? Arizonans are well aware of the fact that their electricity bills tend to soar along with the state’s temperature during the summer months. Despite the average price per kilowatt-hour…

Your Ultimate Guide to AC Maintenance – AC Repair Glendale

Your Ultimate Guide to AC Maintenance – AC Repair Glendale

While an annual AC Maintenance and AC tune-up is needed to keep your air conditioning running well, you should be doing regular checks yourself to keep it going well the rest of the year. It’s the HVAC equivalent of “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Here’s a handy AC maintenance checklist from Arizona Valley Heating…